Mini Frontpage

Mini Frontpage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id ante pretium orci facilisis viverra. Morbi convallis vulputate urna, a maximus augue suscipit at. Morbi fringilla accumsan dui, vel commodo tellus accumsan vel. Donec nec velit vitae est blandit sodales nec et ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur eu magna id velit porta sodales ac quis ligula.

Starting From 29,99€

Mini Frontpage

Category: Joomla Extensions

Features :

  • Multiple item support, you can publish multiple Minifrontpage modules in the same page
  • Responsive Design, the module will look good in any device
  • Flexible parameters to suit your needs, from basic parameters such article category source, show hide introtext with trim function, articles filter etc, to theme based parameters such as number of column, custom date format, thumbnail posistion etc
  • Theme skin, each theme may comes with some skins for alternate style. If you know css, you can make your own theme skin and upload it to Minifrontpage skin folder
  • CSS adjustment. 
If you just need to make small style modification, there’s also a css adjustment field to add css override/modification without touching the physical file.
  • Joomla 4 ready
  • etc